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Jumat, 09 Mei 2014

Eka Karya Botanical Garden, The Indonesia's Largest Garden (Part 1)

     Hi! We meet again! This time, I'll share all my visions when I visited the largest garden in Indonesia, Eka Karya Botanical Garden, a few months ago. Largest? Of course. Its large is about 157 hectare. Can you imagine how many beautiful plants you will find in that large? Even which you've never seen before? I'm sure this will be so excited for you whom claimed yourself as a floran freak. Hahaha... :D

     Come and follow my trip. ;)

Eka Karya Botanical Garden
Location : Bedugul, Bali

     Here it is, the entrance. A pair of gate with absolutely-not-simple-carving. Sorry for the sloping image. I was not really good at photograps. :( Beside that, I took this picture in a hurry because the car would move in (hey, we could take our car in, of course).

    In the first cease, I was fascinated by a sizeable statue, called Jatayu Statue. It's a bird which helped Shinta when Rahwana tried to kidnaped her (if you've ever heard about Ramayana). But the bird was lose.

     Behind of Jatayu Statue, I saw two lanes. One is a lane where we can through, and the other is exit lane. It's truly outrageous if we take the wrong lane because there are signboards. Hahaha... Useless information, I know. -_-
     Well, the next cease is the part of this garden which made me feel like living in Netherlands. Along the way, all I could see were just beauties, serenities, and coolnesses around me.

And before I reached the next cease, I found a medium statue. Hanoman Statue. In Ramayana, it was told that Hanoman helped Rama to found out where was Shinta hidden by Rahwana, and also spied about how strong Rahwana's troops were.

     Nah! Have you ever heard about Kumbakarna? He was Rahwana's siblings. He was dead in Alengka's war. Actually he knew, that his brother was wrong. He had tried to disenchanted Rahwana. But he couldn't help when he saw his clan and homeland was attacked. So he helped Alengka to fought Rama. Not because of hatred, but responsibility. At last, he died in that war. And this is the statue of Kumbakarna.

     Let's continue the journey. After Kumbakarna Statue, I saw a spacious glass building. It's filled by Cactus Collection. Hundreds species of cactus are scattered here. Complete by its names.

      Whoops, sorry, there was an sightings. Hehe... She is my mother.

     Not far from cactus's building, there's Aquatic Garden. When I saw this part, it felt like flashback to the chinese kingdom's era. A pool with fishes, so many lotuses, a shady building in the middle, a small bridge. Haha... Just see if you don't believe.

     No need to walked far, because across the aquatic garden, there's Orchid's garden. Our next cease. When I walk in, through the wire hedge, I saw three entrances. First, I chose the entrance at the left side, and here they were the views. 

A cute waterfall which the water flow to a pool with so much orchids and another unknown plant (for me) around it. Walked further, and I saw an old white wooden door. When I opened it, obviously, there were a place that used to cultivated hundreds of orchids. Approximately so.

     Now, let's go to the main part. This main part, if I enter from that wire hedge, is the middle side of the three entrances which I told first. Rather dark, but shady. A beautiful fountain in the center, make its decoration seems perfect.

     Hey, it,s me! Hahaha... Do you see the bright part behind the fountain? There's placed a medical garden. But, stupidly, I didn't walk in to looked for the name and its each functions, huhuhu... Now, I regret it. :(

     Ok, back to the middle part, let's visit the last entrance of the three, the right side of orchid's garden. What a dazzling part! Because there is a pool and fountain too. But a little bigger than the inside one.

I tried to took the photos from the opposite side. And these were I got.

     Uwaaah... What a fun trip! Then, after the exploration, we were hungry and thirsty too. So we were back to the aquatic garden, where the car parked. It's meals time. Hahaha... There is available too, a place to the visitor can take a rest.

     But, unfortunately, we only had a limited time, because we still had some places to visit too. So, after the rest, we decided to left this beautiful place, besides, we explored only one-third part of this garden.

     I promise, next time I visit Eka Karya Botanical Garden again, I will spend the time to explore the another two-third part which I couldn't visit this time.

     Keep on eye on my blog and wait the continuation of my journey around Bali. I assure you'll be interested to come here. See you! :D

Photos and writings by Ellean 'J'

NB : this is my first time to try blogging in English. It will be please if  you are willing to correct my words, so that my writing can be easier to understand. Thank you. :)

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